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What is the Canoe Bay Village Rental Program?

This exciting program is for owners of units in the Canoe Bay Village who want to generate income when they are not using their unit.  There are many benefits to the program including full access to Canoe Bay including use of all the amenities. Those who choose not to use the rental program will not have access to Canoe Bay only Canoe Bay Village.  Canoe Bay is the exclusive rental agent for the Canoe Bay Village...sorry no Airbnb or other rental programs are allowed.

What is the cost of the Rental Program?

The program runs on a simple 50/50 revenue split.  There are no additional fees.


How does the Rental Program work?

Basically Canoe Bay takes care of everything including sales and marketing, cleaning and basic maintenance of the unit plus accounting.  Every month owners participating in the Rental Program will receive a reconciliation showing revenue generated by their unit and a check which is dependent on occupancy.  Units in the Rental Program appear on the Canoe Bay booking engine with the exct same look as al other Canoe Bay units.

How much revenue will my unit generate?

This depends on many factors including the location of the unit, how often the unit is used by the owner and the type of unit.  Historically these units have generated anywhere from $30,000 to $60,000 per year gross.

Can I use the unit as often as I like?

Use of the unit if in the Rental Program is limited to 45 days per year.  Additional days are possible  with prior permission from the Rental Agent.  The use of the unit by the owner can have a dramatic effect on the ability of the Rental Agent to consistently rent it.


And what if I want to modify the unit?

No changes to the exterior of the cottage can be made which are not compatible with the existing ambiance and environment of Canoe Bay Village.  Any significant change to the exterior appearance or color of the cottage shall require the prior written approval of Village Management. You may alter the interior, however, you cannot participate in the rental pool if your unit does not conform to the look rental guests expect.

How many Cottages will be in the Village?

There is not set number of units that will be added. The Village is a very low density development.  Set on over 100 acres with two private lakes, when complete approximately 90% of the property will remain wild with wetlands, lakes and wilderness. 

How about Children?

Consistent with Canoe Bay rules, Children under 18 are not allowed. 

Can Visitors come to our unit?

For owners, absolutely within reason.  The Village is not a place for a large reunion, so guests are limited at any one time.  All guests must register as part of the Admission Agreement.


What about fishing in the lakes, swimming and canoeing or kayaking?

Yes, but please be careful. Fishing license is required.


What about smoking, fires and cooking out?

Smoking is not allowed on the property.  The fire risk is very high in this area, so other than in designated areas, fires and cooking out are not allowed.  No open flames. Please note that local fire towers look for smoke and the DNR is quick to pounce on violators...and they can be quite unpleasant, including fines.


Copyright © 2025 by CANOE BAY VILLAGE. All rights reserved

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